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You’re cordially invited to attend a very special Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Monday, July 15th.

We are excited to host US Senator Rand Paul as our guest speaker.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul, M.D., is one of the nation’s leading advocates for liberty. Elected to the United States Senate in 2010, Dr. Paul has proven to be an outspoken champion for constitutional liberties and fiscal responsibility. As a fierce advocate against government overreach, Dr. Paul has fought tirelessly to return government to its limited, constitutional scope. As a hard-working and dedicated physician – not a career politician – Dr. Paul came to Washington to shake things up and to make a difference.

Lunch will be held at The Center for Rural Development and will begin at 12:00 (Noon).


  • The cost to attend lunch will be $12.00 per person.
  • Seating will be taken on a first-come; first-serve basis.
  • We will NOT reserve individual seats, but you can reserve an entire 8-person table if you would like.
  • To reserve a table, please call the Chamber directly at 606-679-7323.

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