January 7th Chamber Luncheon
10th Annual State-of-the-Chamber Address

You’re cordially invited to attend our upcoming Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon on Tuesday, February 4th.

We are excited to host Kentucky Auditor of Public Accounts, Allison Ball as our guest speaker.

Allison Ball is the 48th Auditor of Public Accounts for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Prior to being elected Auditor, Ball served two terms as Kentucky State Treasurer. Before that, she spent four years as Assistant Floyd County Attorney, prosecuting child abuse and juvenile delinquency cases. When first appointed to office, Ball was the youngest statewide elected official in the country.

Ball has a rich Kentucky history; her family has been in Eastern Kentucky since the 1790s, and she holds a degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law.

She is a fierce watchdog for Kentucky taxpayer dollars. As Auditor, Ball protects against waste, fraud, and abuse.

As Treasurer, she returned more unclaimed property than any Treasurer in state history and established a savings and investment program for people with disabilities. She has been a national leader for improved financial literacy; Ball established the Kentucky Financial Empowerment Commission, and she successfully advocated for a financial literacy high school graduation requirement.

A Floyd County native, Ball and her husband, Dr. Asa James Swan, have two children, Levi and Marigold. Upon birth of her son, she was the first Kentucky Constitutional Officer to give birth while in office.

Lunch will be held at The Center for Rural Development and will begin promptly at 12:00 (Noon).