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Attention Current, Potential, and Former members of the Somerset Junior Woman’s Club…
The 2022 SJWC Membership Banquet and Officer & New Member Installation will be held Monday, June 6th beginning at 6:00pm at Woodstock Lavender Company on Highway 39. The cost to attend is $20 per person. Please RSVP for yourself and any guest you might bring no later than May 31st.
We will have wonderful lavender-infused food and get the opportunity to cut some fresh lavender to take home. This is also when we will install 2022-23 officers and new members, plus reveal the winner of our Clubwoman of the Year Award. And, there will be some other fun surprises!
All current members are encouraged to attend and to feel free to bring a guest (mother, sister, friend, daughter, etc.) for the evening. This is also a great time for potential members to join us for and event to see what we are all about AND for former members to come for a visit or to rejoin.
We are having an exceptional year and plan to celebrate!! Come be part of it!

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