The 6-hour Hospice Touch & Massage class provides training in areas such as contraindications, bed-bound patient massage and comorbidities, working with contractures, peristalsis, and the most common hospice diagnoses. Practitioners will learn massage to promote relaxation, relieve anxiety, and help with pain relief. Training manual provided in class.
6 CE Hours for Massage Therapists (NCBTMB Provider #1000518)
6 CE Hours for Massage Therapists (NCBTMB Provider #1000518)
6 CE Hours for Nurses, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists through Continuing Education Institute of Illinois (valid in states that require CE for licensure; contact Christine Zaccanti for questions)
How hospice can affect the practitioner; How hospice massage differs from other massages; Communication; Contraindications; Products and their contraindications; The importance of pressure; Touch deprivation; Stomach/peristalsis massage; Understanding blood and lymph flow, Bedbound patient issues; Massage on back and neck in supine position; Working with contractures; Dementia/Alzheimer’s; Cardiopulmonary; Cancer; Liver and kidney issues; Working with amputations, Neurological diseases; Involvement of family/caregivers; End of life touch; Charting; Hand, foot and head massages.
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