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You’re invited to join us for a legislative meet-and-greet at The Harbor Restaurant at Lee’s Ford Marina on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be located on the brand new patio overlooking Lee’s Ford Marina.
Invited legislators will include:
* Sen. Rick Girdler (15th District)
* Rep. David Meade (80th District)
* Rep. Ken Upchurch (52nd District)
* Rep. Josh Branscum (83rd District)
* Rep. Shane Baker (85th District)
* Rep. Josh Bray (71st District)
Network, meet legislators from your district and share your thoughts about your business and the business climate in Somerset-Pulaski County.
The reception will provide you with an opportunity to speak directly with legislators and have a short program where we will hear about accomplishments from this past legislative session and what we might expect in 2023.
Admission is FREE for Chamber members, but there will be a $10.00 fee for all other attendees.
For more information, please contact the Chamber at 606-679-7323

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