Ambassador Toolkit
Welcome to the Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Toolkit! Here you will find helpful information for chamber Ambassadors, as well as information regarding our ground-breaking “Ambassador Gives” program, along with other helpful tools to help grow your business!
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings and Events.
-Next Month’s Ribbon Cuttings-

“Ambassador Gives” is a groundbreaking Chamber program, where we incentivize our current Ambassadors to become more involved in exchange for monetary donations to be made in their name to local civic and non-profit organizations. For every 100 points you accumulate, you get $20.00 to donate to charity. Moving forward, the Chamber will be making a $20.00 donation for every 100 points accumulated by an Ambassador for volunteer work with the Chamber of Commerce. Currently, there is a “Points Sheet” that allows Ambassadors to accumulate points for volunteering at various Chamber activities. This program will allow them to turn their points into cash donations to the charities of their direct selection. Ambassadors can pool their points together to raise money for a specific charity, or accumulate points individually. Points will “rollover” from month-to-month and be tracked internally to ensure accuracy. For example, if an Ambassador only obtains 25-points in a particular month, those points will roll over to the next month and be added to any additional points that you might obtain. This will continue until you gain enough points for a donation to be made in your name to a local charity. Donations can be made in the name of a specific person, or they can be made on behalf of a local business. The choice will be up to the person making the donation. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the Chamber at 606-679-7323. Click here to download the “Ambassador Gives” informational flyer. Thanks for your participation.
Bobby Clue
Executive Director
Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce

Complete the online form below to enter your Chamber Ambassador Monthly Points. If you’d prefer to download a form and return it to us by email or in-person, that’s no problem. You can download the monthly points form by clicking here. If returning the form via email, please send it to crystal.kidd@somersetpulaskichamber.com