The American Parade, written by Steve Cleberg, is an adaptation of Moliere’s The Misanthrope. In Moliere’s work, Alceste explains to Philinte that he hates mankind because there is so much hypocrisy, deceit, and false flattery in the world that he can’t find a man who will speak the truth openly. He asserts that all people should be completely frank and honest with one another. But when his lover, Célimène starts being open and honest, it’s more than he can take. The American Parade takes a similar approach as Allen, a painter, tells his actor friend, Phillip, that he wants people to be honest about how they feel about his war painting. Allen is not prepared for the onslaught of honest opinions of the New Yorkers he is surrounded by, including that of his love interest, Celine. This is an outside production so bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. Info 888-394-3282 or visit

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